Questions about Tuition?
At TCS, tuition is paid for by the parents of the students enrolled in the school. Our tuition is a family- based rate.
What you need to know to register your child at TCS
The creed describes what Timothy Christian School stands for. It outlines what we confess about Life, The Bible, Creation, Humanity, Sin, Jesus Christ, The Kingdom of God, and our role in the kingdom as Educators, Parents, Students, and the Christian School.
At Timothy Christian School, tuition is paid by the parents of the students enrolled in the school.
At TCS, tuition is paid for by the parents of the students enrolled in the school. Our tuition is a family- based rate.
At Timothy Christian School, Kindergarten is like the rock that the rest of the student learning is built on.
At TCS, French is taught at all levels, from Kindergarten to Grade 8. We have a Core French Program and an Extended French Program.
Music is an important part of Timothy Christian School. It is taught in all grades, and each grade takes turns to lead worship during our weekly Chapel time altogether.
At this time, bussing is not available to our families. Parents and grandparents drive the children to and from school each day; many families carpool together.
Three times per year, the students in Grades 3-8 complete an online testing that assesses their skills in Language and Math. The assessment adapts individually to each student and gives a picture of what the student is able to do and what they are ready to learn.
Timothy Christian School is a place where our son's heart is as important as his mind. The focus is not simply on his academic achievements but on developing him as the unique person that he is. Even in Kindergarten and Grade One, the teachers, staff and fellow students have poured into his life, showing him kindness and pointing him towards God. He is learning to align with something bigger than himself. We often hear him singing songs he has learned at school. The focus on music and worship can be clearly seen in his learning. There is a song in his heart where there wasn't one before. He is the type of student whose learning struggles could be easily overlooked in a large class. The individual attention he has received to support his learning has only been possible with the small class sizes and attentive teachers. Since our son started at TCS, we have become part of a special family who care about and support each other.”
We are very thankful that we can send our children to TCS. Although they have only been attending for a year it seems as though they have been for much longer. They readily felt at home at TCS and it made our adjustment to moving to a new area so much easier knowing that they are thriving. They love their school, their classmates, and their teachers and we as parents love that they are receiving a beautiful, Christ centred education. What a blessing it is to belong to such a wonderful school community!”
We look forward to meeting you!