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Kindergarten Chapel - showing God's love

By Heidi Blokland

The gym was full as the Kindergarten students took to the stage and led us in chapel this morning.

Decked out in red and white, their theme was God’s love.

They sang about how mighty God is. “My God is so big and so strong and so mighty – there’s nothing my God cannot do!”

Their memory verse reminded us of why we love in the first place. “We love because God first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

And then they shared ideas of how we can show God’s love.

They told us we can pray to God, or share our toys, or be nice to others.

They ended chapel time with prayer and then handed out valentines hearts that said “God loves you” as a tangible reminder of God’s love.

We are thankful for our amazing Kindergarten students and how they reminded us of God’s love and inspired us to show God’s love.

How will you show God’s love?