Lest We Forget
As we approached Remembrance Day, the Grade 1&2 class reflected on what Remembrance Day meant to them. Through various stories and pictures, they were introduced to what the poppy meant, and why we celebrate Remembrance Day in Canada. While the concept of war is sometimes hard to grasp with students so young, it was remarkable to read some of their reflections.
Nathan in Grade 1 wrote, “When I think of Remembrance Day, I think of people that died in the war. It makes me feel sad. I wear a poppy to remember.”
Leah in Grade 2 writes, “When I think of Remembrance Day I remember soldiers that died in war. We wear poppies so that we can remember. Poppies grew beside the crosses. War is scary. When the soldiers died in war I feel sad.”
In art, students took part in the Remembrance Day poster contest for our local legion. Students worked hard on creating their first draft of their poster. After they completed their first draft, students were asked what they could change or improve for their final copy. After thinking of things they could change, students then drew and coloured their final poster. Students took this revision process very seriously, and it was amazing to see their final product!
Savanna Kaley Grace